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Movies, Movies and more Movies!

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What I saw in the last 2 weeks:
  1. Heat
  2. Body Heat (don't ask)
  3. The Grifters
  4. Godfather Part III
  5. Memento
  6. The Usual Suspects
  7. Taxi Driver
  8. Saving Private Ryan
All of them are great in their own way. From an enjoyability factor Heat, Memento and The Usual Suspects stand out. Taxi Driver is however easily the best movie out of the lot! Godfather III sees Al Pacino commanding serious on screen gravitas, The Grifters and Body Heat are saucy thrillers and while they are good movies in their right, don't really comply with my definition of an enjoyably movie. Seeing Saving Private Ryan for the first time I'm quite shocked by graphic description of war but the film is marred by Spielbergian Hollywooditis. Taxi Driver is a fantastic study of the human psyche and includes a subtle yet powerhouse performance from Robert De Niro - a true classic. Memento and The Usual Suspects are far too flimsy for my liking but are worth a watch nonetheless. Godfather III isn't as good as I or II but still an engaging gangster epic.

Taxi Driver - pick of the lot.

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