Mighty (??) Mouse
Published Friday, August 05, 2005 by Blogpur | E-mail this post
Apple recently released the new "Mighty Mouse". With all the talk about Mactel changing the way the world uses a Mac as well as how this is going to affect public percpetion, I thought perhaps more than the Mactel deal, the 2 Button (effectively) mouse is big step forward for Apple made products.The end user is going to use the mouse as an interface, the processor and all the internal hardware operate the system (along with the Software) but people use the the monitor, mouse and keyboard the most. Although Logitech and other manufacturers have been making 2 button mice for Apple for a while now (since they launched mice on USB), it's nice to see Apple do something about it. The way they have done it s quite clever.The Mighty Mouse bypasses all patents, yet it is effectively the same thing as any other 2 button mouse. The Apple site is a little over the top. I don't see the Mighty Mouse as a revolutionary step forward, its good to be accurate but nothing great. It's about time aswell...
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